Wednesday, January 16, 2013

            I Want You To Remember

When the world brings you down
And hurtful words break your heart
Don’t turn around
And walk away from who you are

Stand up for your beliefs
Trust in what you know
In yourself you’ll find strength
Not in another soul

Life is full of chances
Some you’ll surely take
Though from some you’ll learn a lesson
And those we call mistakes

Just because someone tells you
That it can’t be done
Doesn’t mean you must adhere
Or that you should give up

What I want you to remember
And hold close to your heart
Is that you can do anything
If only you try
It doesn’t matter who you are

I just saw this awhile ago from the internet, I don't know who is the author but this poem is really great and it speaks about my life. In life sometimes we have to experience some trials and tribulations in order for us to be strong and I had experience it, many tears have fall, many promises have been broken but despite all of it we need to stay strong no matter what and just stay true to yourself because your special in your own way. My favorite line here "Though from some you'll learn a lesson and those we call mistakes" This line hit me hard, I had committed mistakes which I don't intend to do, because of it I had gone through a lot of hating from my bestfriend so I had to take it and accept it and apologize for that mistake. I had to commit that mistake for that it could help me learn from it and never do it again and change those things that needed to be changed but the most important thing to remember is "Tears don't mean you're losing Everybody's Bruising Just be True to Who You Are

1 comment:

  1. Very powerful poem. I like it too, Darwin... This is really meant to be shared. Carpe Diem! <3
